Improves Gantt, GridView and RichEdit controls.
All ASP.NET Bootstrap products
- Bootstrap - The "The configuration section 'bootstrap' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration" error occurs if Nuget packages are used
- Validation - Non-string values are incorrectly interpreted as invalid using mask validation rules while updating row values
All ASP.NET MVC products
- ASP.NET MVC application with DevExpress Controls - A dead-lock happens in certain circumstances
- Do not render the type attribute for scripts and links when doctypeMode="Html5"
- Touch related features (such as scrolling, dragging, etc.) do not work properly on iOS 13
All ASP.NET Web Forms products
- ASPxDiagram - DataBinding/Linear demo - Exception is thrown in local demos if a new shape is dropped on a document
- ASPxDiagram - Icons are rendered incorrectly in Visual Studio Design view
- ASPxHtmlEditor, ASPxRichEdit, ASPxSpreadsheet - Icons are not rendered in Visual Studio's Design view in the Material theme
- Do not render the type attribute for scripts and links when doctypeMode="Html5"
- Touch related features (such as scrolling, dragging, etc.) do not work properly on iOS 13
- Validation - Non-string values are incorrectly interpreted as invalid using mask validation rules while updating row values
- Bootstrap3 Demos - LargeDataBase demos are not compilable
- ComboBox - The "Invalid value" error is shown on submitting an empty editor after upgrading to v19.2
- RadioButtonList - The markup is Invalid in IE - The "Bad Value "mixed" for attribute aria-selected on element span" error occurs
- ASPxGantt - Documentation - An incorrect code snippet is shown in the "Run Time" section of the "ASPxGantt Class" topic
- Gantt for WebForms - The EnableCallbacks property is public, but not supported
- ASPxGridLookup - The HeaderFilter popup width is incorrect
- A modal popup takes 10 seconds to be displayed if it is shown after a callback and accessibility is enabled
- ComboBox - The "Invalid value" error is shown on submitting an empty editor after upgrading to v19.2
- Demos - References to help topics are incorrect in the "Client Summary Calculation" MVC and WebForms demos
- Expand and Collapse buttons do not work in the IE browser in Batch Edit mode if the Accessibility Compliant option is enabled
- Batch Editing - An incorrect value is shown in an editor if the ValidateRows method is called in the BatchEditEndEditing event handler
- The "Preview Changes" text is not translated to Spanish
- "A primary key field specified via the KeyFieldName property is not found in the underlying data source" exception occurs in BatchEdit with a null data source when Container.KeyValue is used in DataItemTemplate
- Accessibility - The loading panel image does not have alternative text
- Batch Edit mode - Scroll position is reset after saving changes if the AccessibilityCompliant property is enabled
- The "Cannot read property 'index' of null" script error occurs in Batch Edit mode when TotalSummary for a field which doesn't exist in the data source is used
- The "Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null" error occurs if the SettingsCommandButton.PreviewChangesButton.RenderMode property is specified
- The ApplyFilter method does not work if FilterExpression has not changed and the filter has been disabled using FilterBar
- The value of an ordered list is incorrectly processed when inserting new values
- ASPxPivotGrid unexpectedly invokes the CustomizationForm when pressing the "Enter" key inside an editor
- Incorrect bullet and text position after inserting a bullet list to a table using the context menu
- The content pasted into the editor in Internet Explorer 11 is duplicated in certain scenarios
- The size of a Text Box element with multi-line text is not restored after saving and re-opening a document
- Rich Edit Commands - There is no suitable API (event handler, callback function) to customize image settings right after inserting it using the insertPicture command
- A JavaScript error occurs on an attempt to invoke the "Save As" dialog if SettingsDialogs.SaveFileDialog.DisplaySectionMode is set to "ShowServerSection"
- An issue with the margin in the header in certain documents
- Multiple exceptions are thrown on opening certain documents when SqlOfficeStateProvider is used
- Spell Checking - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException is thrown when Redis Session State Provider is used
- Text deleting is slow if Document Protection is used
- The "Unable to get property 'textContent' of undefined or null reference" JS error occurs after pasting text in IE11/EDGE browsers if the touch screen is used
- The 'Cannot read property 'ShowServiceForm' of null' error occurs after the Font for bullet numbers is customized
- The client-side getRtf command does not work in version 19.2.3
- A table placed in the main document overlaps the footer in a certain document
- It's not possible to create a custom shortcut if the control is in Read-Only mode
- The cursor has the "Move" type if the floating image is shown in the Header section
- RichEdit for WebForms - he scrollbar position is lost after a callback
- XAF ASP.NET RichTextPropertyEditor causes severe error
ASPxScheduler Suite
- An appointment is rendered incorrectly in TimelineView when IntervalCount is set to 1 and HorizontalAppointmentTemplate is defined
- Appointments are placed outside cell borders in certain situations
- A selection frame is rendered incorrectly for the last visible appointment in the Agenda view after showing the Appointment Dialog
- Agenda View layout (Date Header and Appointment Row areas) is incorrectly re-calculated when changing control width if the CustomizeElementStyle event is handled
- The "Cannot set property 'minHeight' of undefined" error occurs while selecting cells in the TimeLine view if the Cell.CssClass property is changed in the HtmlTimeCellPrepared event handler
- The "Edit" button is shown in the FAB if multiple appointments are selected
- The "Full Week" text is not translated to Spanish
- The client render doesn't work properly for appointments with shared resources
- The scroll position, which is set using the SelectAppointmentById method, is lost after calling the AdjustControl method if the Adaptivity feature is enabled
- Scheduler for WebForms and MVC - It's not possible to change the DisplayedIntervalCount property during a callback
- The "Cannot read property 'InitializeStandAloneOnUpdate' of undefined" error occurs if the ASPxViewSelector control is added to the ToolbarViewSelectorTemplate templates of views
- RichEdit - Spell Checking - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException is thrown when Redis Session State Provider is used
- The SettingsDocumentSelector.CommonSettings.InitialFolder property is ignored in the "Save As" dialog
Assembly Deployment Tool
- The "DevExpress Assembly Deployment Tool" item is missing in the DevExpress menu with version 19.2
Bootstrap Data Editors
- ComboBox - The "Invalid value" error is shown on submitting an empty editor after upgrading to v19.2
Bootstrap GridView
- ASPxGridView - A modal popup takes 10 seconds to be displayed if it is shown after a callback and accessibility is enabled
- ComboBox - The "Invalid value" error is shown on submitting an empty editor after upgrading to v19.2
- The "Preview Changes" text is not translated to Spanish
Bootstrap Rich Text Editor
- The 'Cannot read property 'ShowServiceForm' of null' error occurs after the Font for bullet numbers is customized
- The client-side getRtf command does not work in version 19.2.3
Bootstrap Scheduler
- Incorrect alignment in DayView when TimeScale is set to one hour
- The "Full Week" text is not translated to Spanish
- The client render doesn't work properly for appointments with shared resources
Data Access Library
- ObjectDataSource - Result schema is not initialized correctly in case parameters are specified after assigning a data member
- SqlDataSource.RebuildResultSchema hangs with large XMLs
Data Library
- Blank rows are displayed in GridControl if an empty ObservableCollection is assigned to the RealTimeSource.DataSource property
DevExtreme Core
- DataGrid - A cell template that consists of Razor markup and ERB-style constructs is not rendered in an ASP.NET Core 3.0 project
DevExtreme Data Grid
- Buttons in group cell templates aren't clickable when column fixing is enabled and the grid is scrolled to the right
- Drag&Drop does not work when the focused row feature is enabled
- How to customize export in an Angular application
- Rows render incorrectly if the grid has fixed columns and the UseNative scrolling property is enabled
- The columnWidth option does not change column width dynamically
- The cssClass option is not applied if a column is grouped and the showWhenGrouped option is set to true
- The expandRow method does not expand a row in the case of virtual scrolling
- DataGrid demos with arrow functions don't work in IE
- DataGrid displays white strips for hidden columns in IE
- DataGrid freezes the page when a column is deleted and the Grid contains band columns
- DataGrid reverts changes in batch mode if the dropdown icon is clicked
- LoadPanel ignores the position option starting with v19.2.3
- The "Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive." error occurs on scrolling
- TreeList - The "Cannot read property 'parent' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to remove the non-existing key from the store
DevExtreme Data Visualization
- Chart - A side-by-side chart is rendered incorrectly if aggregationInterval is set to month and a data source contains data only for one month
- Chart - Multiple client-side errors are thrown when chart options are updated in version 19.1.8-build-19291-1133
- Chart - The "e.getTime is not a function" error occurs when zooming a chart if a value axis contains dates
DevExtreme Diagram
- Custom shapes cannot be dragged when baseType is set to "predefinedProcess"
- Newly inserted shapes cannot be deleted from a data source
- The resetOption method does not work for the customShapes option as expected
DevExtreme Scheduler
- A weekly recurring appointment has the incorrect start position when it is repeated for several times
- It is not possible to prevent the appointment form opening when the enter or space key is used
- Scheduler displays an error on appointment tooltip opening
DevExtreme Tree List
- The "Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive." error occurs on scrolling
- Rows don't loose focus (visually) when another row is focused
- The "Maximum callstack size exceeded" error occurs on searching if there are a lot of nested node levels
DevExtreme UI Widgets
- DateBox - Native pickers are not displayed if the drop-down button is clicked on a mobile device
- DateBox - The "Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'." error occurs when both showClearButton and readOnly option is enabled
- DropDownButton - Drop-down part is truncated after updating to v.19.2
- Labels are aligned incorrectly when changing item visibility inside a group
- Lookup - A popup element shows a dark overlay in the Material theme
- NumberBox - The control returns an incorrect value when a certain format is specified
- Popup - AngularJS - Title text is cropped in the Material theme
- Popup - The overlay shade is displayed incorrectly after the upgrade to v19.2
- TextBox - IE opens the previous page when Backspace is pressed if the widget is read only and focused
eXpress Persistent Objects
- LINQ to XPO - Upcasting is not applied to nested Joins in certain circumstances
- Parameterized XPObjectSource is not refilled when used in XRSubreport
MVC Data Editors
- ComboBox - The "Invalid value" error is shown on submitting an empty editor after upgrading to v19.2
- ComboBox - The dropdown is incorrectly shown if a new item is added to the ComboBox with the enabled adaptivity after a callback in the EndCallback event handler
- SpinEdit - Form is not submitted when the Enter key is pressed in the focused editor containing a decimal value
MVC GridView
- A modal popup takes 10 seconds to be displayed if it is shown after a callback and accessibility is enabled
- ComboBox - The "Invalid value" error is shown on submitting an empty editor after upgrading to v19.2
- Expand and Collapse buttons do not work in the IE browser in Batch Edit mode if the Accessibility Compliant option is enabled
- The "Preview Changes" text is not translated to Spanish
- The Update and Cancel buttons are disabled in Toolbar if the SettingsPager.Mode property is set to GridViewPagerMode.EndlessPaging
- Accessibility - The loading panel image does not have alternative text
MVC HtmlEditor
- The value of an ordered list is incorrectly processed when inserting new values
MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions
- ASP.NET MVC File Manager in Adaptive Mode - The unnecessary empty space is shown in the detail view at the left side of the internal grid
- FormLayout - Binding to ExpandoObject does not work as expected
- FormLayout for MVC - The AssociatedNestedExtensionName property doesn't work in version 19.2
- Round Panel ASP.NET MVC - The collapsed icon is incorrect if the Accessibility Compliant mode is enabled
MVC Pivot Grid
- OLAP - Calculated dimension members disappears after applying a filter if SortMode is set to None
MVC Report
- A control whose EditOptions are enabled displays values of a multivalue parameter as 'System.String[]'
- HTML5 Document Viewer - The client-side EditingFieldChanged event is not raised in Mobile mode
- Parameterized XPObjectSource is not refilled when used in XRSubreport
- Web Report Designer - It is not possible to reset the XRChart control's Series Data Member property
- Web Report Designer - There is no indication that the Report Designer is initialized incorrectly
- WebReportDesigner - XtraReport.Name should not be modified upon saving a new report through the "Save As" dialog
MVC RichEdit
- The size of a Text Box element with multi-line text is not restored after saving and re-opening a document
- Rich Edit Commands - There is no suitable API (event handler, callback function) to customize image settings right after inserting it using the insertPicture command
- A JavaScript error occurs on an attempt to invoke the "Save As" dialog if SettingsDialogs.SaveFileDialog.DisplaySectionMode is set to "ShowServerSection"
- An issue with the margin in the header in certain documents
- Multiple exceptions are thrown on opening certain documents when SqlOfficeStateProvider is used
- Spell Checking - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException is thrown when Redis Session State Provider is used
- Text deleting is slow if Document Protection is used
- The 'Cannot read property 'ShowServiceForm' of null' error occurs after the Font for bullet numbers is customized
- The client-side getRtf command does not work in version 19.2.3
- The scrollbar position is lost after a callback
MVC Scheduler
- A selection frame is rendered incorrectly for the last visible appointment in the Agenda view after showing the Appointment Dialog
- Agenda View layout (Date Header and Appointment Row areas) is incorrectly re-calculated when changing control width if the CustomizeElementStyle event is handled
- The "Cannot set property 'minHeight' of undefined" error occurs while selecting cells in the TimeLine view if the Cell.CssClass property is changed in the HtmlTimeCellPrepared event handler
- The "Full Week" text is not translated to Spanish
- The client render doesn't work properly for appointments with shared resources
- It's not possible to change the DisplayedIntervalCount property during a callback
MVC SpellChecker
- RichEdit - Spell Checking - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException is thrown when Redis Session State Provider is used
MVC Spreadsheet
- The SettingsDocumentSelector.CommonSettings.InitialFolder property is ignored in the "Save As" dialog
Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls
- Accessibility - The "aria-expanded" attribute is not specified for the Expand/Collapse button of the ASPxRoundPanel control
- ASPxFileManager - The "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined" script error occurs on an attempt to use the client-side SetCurrentFolderPath method
- Docking for WebForms - Panels located inside ASPxDockZone swap their places after maximizing one of them in a certain scenario
- FileManager - There is no capability to change a selected row in Detail View in single-selection mode if the Accessibility Support is enabled
- FileManager - There is no capability to unselect all rows in Detail View in multi-selection mode if the Accessibility Support is enabled
- FileManager for WebForms - The "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined" JS error occurs if the client-side SetCurrentFolderPath method is called with a folder path with the "/" symbol
- FloatingActionButton for WebForms - Nested buttons are located incorrectly relatively to the available size left after changing the vertical position of FloatingActionButton
- FormLayout - Binding to ExpandoObject does not work as expected
- NavBar for WebForms - An Item image is not displayed in the Safari browser if the ItemStyle.Wrap property is enabled
- Ribbon for WebForms - The RibbonDropDownToggleButtonItem checked state is lost after several postbacks if ASPxRibbon's EnableViewState property is disabled
Project Templates
- Responsive Template - A menu item is jumping vertically after a page refresh if the MenuItem.Alignment property is set to Left
- Responsive Template - Toolbar items are hidden initially and then jump to the right on refreshing a page
Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core
- The 'Cannot read property 'ShowServiceForm' of null' error occurs after the Font for bullet numbers is customized
- The document.fonts.create method doesn't work if the second parameter doesn't contain quotes
Spreadsheet for ASP.NET Core
- Spreadsheet doesn't provide the functionality to use Redis Document State Provider
XtraCharts Suite
- Waterfall Series Label - The WaterfallSeriesLabelPosition.Auto and WaterfallSeriesLabelPosition.OutsideEnd options work identically
- WebChartControl - A runtime error occurs when the CrosshairOptions.SnapMode property is set to NearestValue
XtraReports Suite
- Document Viewer in Mobile Mode - Drop-down parameter editors stopped working after update to v19.2
- "Fail to run wizard '...\XtraReport.vstemplate'. Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error occurs in Visual Studio 2019 while trying to add "DevExpress Report" item to the project
- "Internal Server Error" errors occur when working with Web Reporting components in a published ASP.NET Core 3.0 applications
- A control whose EditOptions are enabled displays values of a multivalue parameter as 'System.String[]'
- An emply validation message displays for null DateTime report parameters
- ASP.NET Core Angular Reporting project template - The "error TS2370: A rest parameter must be of an array type" error occurs in the "knockout.d.ts" file
- ASP.NET Core Reporting - Disposing of the report document on closing the web page causes the DXXRDV controller to be unresponsive
- ASPxWebDocumentViewer Access is denied to style sheet in sub reports
- DataGrid - How to customize export in an Angular application
- Document Viewer in Mobile Mode - Date Range Parameter is not usable
- Export to PDF - Incorrect fonts are assigned to the text blocks in a Linux-based Docker container
- HTML5 Document Viewer - Exported document is displayed as plain text in case the Response Caching middleware is enabled
- It is impossible to customize the dxrd-querybuilder-popup knockout template after an upgrade to version 19.1.5
- It takes a lot of time to run the XtraReport designer for .NET Core in Visual Studio 2019
- Mac OS, Linux - .NET Core 3.0 reporting application failed with 'PlatformNotSupportedException: System.Windows.Extensions types are not supported on this platform'
- Parameterized XPObjectSource is not refilled when used in XRSubreport
- System.NullReferenceException is thrown when the Filter Editor of a chart's FilterString property is invoked
- The "InvalidOperationException: Cannot consume scoped service 'IWebDocumentViewerExceptionHandler' from singleton 'IDocumentStorage'." error occurs if the WebDocumentViewerConfigurationBuilder.DisableCachedDocumentSource method is called
- The Visual Studio's Report Designer crashes after modifying the report in case the application was run by using the "dotnet watch run" command
- Web Document Viewer - Cannot export a report in the ASPxClientWebDocumentViewer.DocumentReady event handler using the client-side ExportTo method
- Web Report Designer - "Object of type 'DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.ExpressionBinding' cannot be converted to type 'DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XRControl'" error occurs while saving a report
- Web Report Designer - Intersecting controls are not highlighted in red
- Web Report Designer - It is not possible to reset the XRChart control's Series Data Member property
- Web Report Designer - The designer's performance has decreased and the memory consumption has enlarged when using data sources with a large number of tables after the upgrade to version 19.1
- WebReportDesigner - XtraReport.Name should not be modified upon saving a new report through the "Save As" dialog