Improves PDF and Word Processing Document APIs.
All Office File API products
- Export - Text with 'near' alignment is exported incorrectly if the StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft flag is set
- Export to PDF - Incorrect fonts are assigned to the text blocks in a Linux-based Docker container
Data Library
- Blank rows are displayed in GridControl if an empty ObservableCollection is assigned to the RealTimeSource.DataSource property
Microsoft Excel Export Library
- CellRange for a specific column doesn't work
PDF Document API
- Rendering - A document that contains the 'startTextLineWithOffsets' operator with the offset beyond the architectural limit for real numbers is rendered incorrectly
- Rendering - A progressive DCT image with YCCK colorspace is rendered incorrectly
- Rendering - Some Tensor-Product Patch Meshes are rendered slowly
- Usability - There is no public API to create a .TIFF image with a predefined resolution
- Usability - There is no way to modify the PdfAnnotation flags
Snap Report API
- The AfterExport event does not fire for a snap document
Spreadsheet Document API
- KeyNotFoundException thrown on copy after upgrading to v19.1.7
- Loading a specific Xlsm document with shapes fails
- Provide the capability to substitute functions from Add-ins with user-defined functions
- System.UriFormatException that is user handled is thrown when debugging a specific XLSX document
- UNICHAR function ignored in conditional formatting when exporting xlsx to pdf
Word Processing Document API
- ArgumentException is thrown on an attempt to iterate through the Document.AbstractNumberingLists collection if a document contains a list with an invalid ID
- ArgumentException on an attempt to export a document containing shapes to PDF
- Images in headers/footers are lost on saving a specific document to DOCX
- Layout API DocumentLayout.Split(PlainTextBox) issue in RTL texts
- RichEditDocumentServer produces wrong RtfText (seems to be v19.2 regression)
- The first row formatting is enabled for a table in the exported OpenXml document if the TableLook property was set to None for this table