DevExpress VCL Subscription
Maintenance release includes several bug fixes.
ExpressBars Suite
- Strange behavior TdxBarEditItem property ColorComboBox.
- TdxRibbonMiniA toolbar displays its items in one row instead of two due to incorrect panel height calculation with certain monitor DPI values.
- TdxRibbonRadialMenu - A menu is displayed incorrectly on monitors whose color depth is 16 bit.
- The "BarManager has broken BarItem links" exception occurs after reopening a descendant form if TdxBarSubItem has been created in an ancestor form via the UI Generator.
ExpressEditors Library
- cxLookupComboBox - Incremental filtering is not applied to items when editing non-terminal characters in an item's text displayed by clicking the item in the editor dropdown window.
- cxLookupComboBox displays an incorrect value if a lookup field's OnGetText event is handled.
- cxRadioGroup - An in-place editor's content size/layout calculation and repaint operations are performed slowly if the system and monitor DPI do not match.
- In-place text editors whose Properties.EchoMode property is set to eemPassword display asterisks instead of bullets if the native style is applied and themes are enabled in certain cases.
- TcxScrollBox - If nested top-aligned controls are created within the parent form's OnCreate handler, the scroll container displays no scrollbars, provided that its AutoScroll property is True.
- TcxShellTreeView, TcxShellListView, and TcxShellBrowserDialog - An AV occurs when the Root.BrowseFolder and Root.CustomPath properties are assigned bfCustomPath and a path containing a file name at design time.
ExpressLayout Control
- A tabbed group's tabs display accelerator characters for layout elements whose CaptionOptions.ShowAccelChar property is set to False.
- If the TcxGroupBox control placed within TdxLayoutControl is skinned, the upper part of the group box caption is cropped in certain cases.
- TdxLayoutControl - Increase the recalculation performance of items with WordWrap = True.
- SVG Images - An application form is created slowly if it contains a TcxImageList component with multiple vector images.
- SVG Images - The "Invalid Operation in GDI+ (Code 2)" exception occurs on drawing an image whose dimensions exceed its ViewBox's size by an order of magnitude.
- TcxPropertiesStore - Persisting properties of components and controls ignore their current scaling factor.
- TdxCalloutPopup - The font size of an editor displayed in a callout can scale incorrectly if the editor's ParentFont property is True and the system DPI exceeds 96.
- An AV occurs on closing an application if the dxNavBar unit follows dxNavBarViewsFact in the application's uses clause.
- Calling the MakeLinkVisible and MakeGroupVisible procedures of the NavBar control has no effect if its OptionsBehavior.Common.AllowChildGroups property is True.
- Explorer Bar Views - A touch-friendly scrollbar does not update its position in response to resizing the NavBar control's width.
- Incorrect resizing of child components in cxPageControl.
- An application hangs on loading a document containing images compressed using the Group 3 CCITT facsimile encoding that has an incorrect end-of-line marker.
- An application hangs on loading certain documents that contain CID Type 1 fonts.
- Document pages are displayed incorrectly due to incorrect size calculations in certain cases.
- In certain cases, an AV occurs on reading an empty string within a document encrypted using the AES 128 algorithm.
- In certain cases, loading a document whose "endstream" and/or "endobj" keywords are omitted raises an AV or results in displaying the document incorrectly.
- The control's OptionsFindPanel.SearchString property is automatically cleared on displaying the Find Panel if the property's value is specified in the OnShowFindPanel event handler.
ExpressPrinting System
- Page Setup dialog - The "No Fill" text displayed by the background fill selection button is scaled twice.
- TdxGridReportLink - The grid column's Properties.Alignment.Vert property value is ignored for merged cells in the resulting report.
- TdxGridReportLink - The Invalid Pointer Operation exception occurs on rebuilding a report for a TcxGrid control with preview items, provided that the report link's OptionsPreview.Visible property is True.
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- Conditional Formatting - A conditional formatting rule created by using the "Conditional Formatting Rules Manager" dialog is applied to the first grid column instead of the column selected via the "Show formatting rules for:" combo box.
- Export - Table and Banded Table View - ExportGridTo~ methods pass nil as the ARow parameter to the Styles.OnGetFooterSummaryStyle event handler invoked for a group footer.
- Find Panel - The application freezes when searching text within a column with cxRichEdit as its in-place editor, provided that the multi-threaded filtering is enabled in a data controller.
- Master-Detail - The control's scaling factor is applied twice to custom pixel dimensions of items in a detail View.
- Table and Banded Table Views - The control's scaling factor does not apply to the column header height if the latter is explicitly specified by using the View's OptionsView.HeaderHeight property.
- TcxGridPopupMenu - Table and Banded Table Views - The built-in group row popup menu cannot be invoked.
ExpressRichEdit Control
- An AV occurs on loading an HTML file whose declared encoding does not match the actual text encoding.
- Export to RTF - The first item in the bulleted list that begins an exported document is displayed incorrectly by WordPad running under Windows 7.
- NativeAPI - A new IdxRichEditTable.TableBackgroundColor property value is not applied to individual table cells as their background color.
- The content layout is incorrectly formed on exporting certain RTF documents to the DOCX format.
ExpressScheduler Suite
- Scrolling an all-day event out of view and bringing it back to view duplicates this event in the scheduling area.
- TcxSchedulerAggregateStorage - Events created in a linked TcxSchedulerDBStorage object are not immediately visualized.
- Week View - Day names are displayed incorrectly when resources are grouped by date.
- In Check As You Type mode, an AV can occur on closing a form, provided that focus is in the editor whose text is being checked.
- Scrollbars can be displayed in the localized AutoCorrect Options dialog.
- Cell reference update routines do not check if a cell reference and the referred cell are in different worksheets.
- Cells containing Boolean values are incorrectly copied/cut into the clipboard in the XML Spreadsheet data format.
- Colored rectangles outlining cells and/or cell ranges referenced by a formula expression edited by using an in-place cell editor persist after closing the editor.
- FALSE Boolean values are hidden in cells if the OptionsView.ZeroValues property is set to False.
- Pasting a cell range copied from an external application into an unlocked cell(s) of a protected worksheet results in overwriting locked cells overlapped by the pasted cell range.
- Source and destination cells' locked states are incorrectly merged on pasting a cell range from the clipboard in the XML Spreadsheet format.
- Spreadsheet Report Link - Rich text formatted content located in worksheet merged cells is printed as a plain text.
- The CONCATENATE function returns an incorrect result if it accepts at least one reference to a cell range as a parameter.
- The right or bottom custom border of a merged cell is not displayed if the merged cell encompasses two or more cells in a row or column, respectively.
- The TEXT function returns an incorrect result if a string constant is included as a part of the specified formatting pattern.