Telerik DevCraft Complete
Telerik Reporting Upgrade Wizard now handles projects that use Telerik Reporting NuGet packages.
Updates in Telerik Reporting R3 2018 SP2
- Upgrade Wizard now handles projects that use Telerik Reporting NuGet packages.
Fixes in Telerik Reporting R3 2018 SP2
- Designers
- An error occurs when adding new HtmlTextBox into a Table item
- Barcode item shows an error when a conditional formatting rule is applied
- Conditional Formatting rule setting "Stop If True" gets ignored by the dedicated editor dialog
- Graph wizard adds label connectors
- Table item adds parent group in a wrong group hierarchy level
- Standalone Report Designer
- Aliases in Query Designer are generated with quotes, which breaks the Oracle query with 'ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected'
- Filters in Query Designer are not generating the correct SQL for Oracle. Preceding (:) is missing
- Visual Studio Designer
- An error occurs when adding new report using a New Item Template
- New Item/project template errors when the default editor is a the code editor
- Upgrade Wizard fails to change the HTML5 Report Viewer file references
- Processing
- An error is thrown when processing Table item with merged cells
- DataSource's calculated columns are evaluated incorrectly
- Graph's numerical scale does not produce a label for each major grid line
- WebAPI
- Authentication token is missing from the request header for searching in report contents
- HTML5 Report Viewer
- Cannot change the reportSource of the viewer on page postback when the viewer's PersistSession is True
- CSS selector from fonticons.css breaks the Kendo icons with FontAwesome and k-icon class
- History is not working correctly after postback if the current reportSource contains datetime parameter
- Missing box-sizing style breaks the styling of reports containing a Table item
- Missing icons in document map area
- Nullable MultiValue Parameter with Value NULL generates array with one element
- The Preview button does not change the reportSource preserved in the browser session when using persistSession=true