Now supports React and Vue.js.
- React and Vue.js Support - SpreadJS can now be used in the React and Vue.js frameworks. This includes specific tags as well as elements and events that make using the two together easy. With SpreadJS being released on NPM, you can use it with the frameworks by either using traditional HTML or the NPM package.
- SpreadJS NPM Package - SpreadJS has now been publicly released as an NPM package. The package can be downloaded and used in your applications, which makes it easy to keep it updated without having to re-download and replace manually.
- Customize range group interfaces using CSS - You are now able to customize how the range group interface looks using CSS classes. This includes the icon, lines, group dots, and the outline area.
- Sheet Area Offset - The sheet area now has an offset, which fixes issues where borders did not show. In previous versions, if the headers were hidden, then borders would not show on the topmost row and/or leftmost column. The offset now fixes this issue.