Aspose.Cells for .NET
Adds support for Pivot Table Slicers and more.
- Added support for Pivot Table Slicers.
- Added support for encrypting and decrypting ODS files.
- Use List<dynamic> or List<ExpandoObject> as DataSource for importing data into worksheet.
- Added WorkbookSettings.MaxRow and WorkbookSettings.MaxColumn properties.
- Added WriteProtection.Author property.
- Round images become square images in the output PDF
- Pivot table filters not working after load and save.
- Exception "Invalid BIFF8 file" when loading an XLS file.
- Exception when loading an XLSX file.
- Validation is not working in XLS format but it works fine in XLSX format.
- The output PDF document isn't the same as the MS Excel output.
- Double underline length is not correct.
- OLE Object broken while saving to XLSB.
- Creating comment using HtmlNote property does not work.
- Blank PDF created while converting XLSX to PDF.
- Chart height changed in the output file when combining workbooks.
- Converting XLSX to PDF raises exception.
- Converting an XLSX file with dde to XLS will prompt with protected view.
- Formatting issue when resizing ListObject/Table.
- Exception while loading XLS file.
- Index out of range exception in SheetRender.ToImage method.
- Exception "Invalid parameters for function iferror...." when loading an Excel file.
- Invalid PatternType string value exception while loading a file.