Adds new Angular Pivot Grid component.
- Added Angular Pivot Grid component - This component displays data in a pivot table that helps you perform complex analysis.
- You can use it to configure and display your data in a multi-dimensional pivot table structure.
- The rows and columns represent distinct data groups and the data cell values represent aggregations. This allows complex data analysis based on a simple flat data set.
- The IgxPivotGridComponent is a feature-rich pivot table that provides easy configuration of different dimensions and values as well as additional data operations like filtering and sorting.
- It can be used as a stand-alone component as well as in combination with the Angular Pivot Data Selector Component for more flexible runtime configuration options.
- Angular Pivot Grid Features - The Pivot Grid and Grid component classes in Ignite UI for Angular inherit from a common base and therefore share functionality, features and keyboard navigation. However, the pivot grid's nature implies some unique features that are not shared with the Ignite UI for Angular Grid:
- Dimensions filtering.
- Dimensions sorting.
- Dimensions resizing.
- Dimensions selection.
- Super Compact Mode.
- Additional summary column.
- Dimensions drag & drop.
- Angular Pivot Grid Remote Operations - There are scenarios where the pivot data is already grouped and aggregated from a remote service and there's no need for further processing on the client side, the pivot grid can be configured to use a custom empty strategy that will skip data processing on the client and allow it to directly display the data as is.
- Angular Tree Grid - Microsoft Excel Style Filter: Tree Filter View - By default, the Excel Style Filtering dialog displays the items in a list view. In some business use cases you can take advantage of cascade selection and have all children selected by default. In order to display them in a tree view you can use the TreeGridFilteringStrategy and specify an array of column field names. Filter items will be displayed in a tree view for the specified columns and in a list view for all other columns.
- Added RTL support for Tabs component.
- Angular Grid Summary custom templating - With Summary Custom Templating you are now able to customize height, size, color, font and styles of igxSummary according your clients needs.