DevExtreme Complete
Improves Charts, Diagram and Scheduler controls.
- All Angular products
- CSS styles break the selection area in WebDocumentViewer.
- Filter Editor does not show parameter names in the popup.
- Report Designer crashes when you select XRControl into DetailReportBand and collapse this DetailReportBand.
- SqlDataSource - Joining two tables results in an error (the Google BigQuery provider issue).
- The "No data to display" message displayed in the Parameters panel cannot be localized in the ASPxWebDocumentViewer сontrol.
- TreeList - Two nodes are focused when focusedRowKey is set in a specific usage scenario.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - Connecting to a PostgreSQL database results in the System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource type error.
- Web Document Viewer - Editing parameters do not use the request culture information.
- Web Report Designer - Aggregated expression becomes invalid upon editing.
- Web Report Designer - Clicking the Style Priority option does not affect the report control's StylePriority settings.
- Web Report Designer - GroupFooterBand.Level property is reset when a report is saved.
- Web Report Designer - Invalid data member error does not lead to a Calculated Field.
- Web Report Designer - Localization - The "Cannot find template with ID dxrd-svg-wizard-crosstab-colunas" error occurs after launching the Cross Tab Report Wizard.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- Aggregation has no effect if the data source has data for a single point.
- The format of an aggregated argument is not applied correctly in the tooltip.
- DevExtreme CLI
- DevExtreme Angular Schematics do not work with Angular 13.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- Custom options are not applied to exportButton when it is located in the toolbar's overflow menu.
- Focus is removed from editors in the masterDetail section when the 'a' or 'f' key is pressed.
- It is not possible to add a new row for the second time in Angular.
- Maximum call stack size error occurs when circular reference is set as a field and validation rule is applied in editing mode.
- Page size selector is too narrow in material themes.
- Row selection becomes incorrect after multiple filtration.
- The Export button has a transparent background.
- DataGrid displays gray rectangles several times when scrolling up if scrolling|renderAsync is true.
- DataGrid does not keep focus on the last cell when the page size is changed.
- DataGrid sends two requests for two pages when a filter is applied in a certain scenario.
- DataGrid width becomes incorrect on an attempt to expand a detail row if an error row is visible in the first record.
- The value changing of checkbox using the keyboard doesn't correctly work in batch mode with a focused row enabled.
- DevExtreme Data Sources
- It is not possible to specify two arguments in the `load` callback of the CustomStore configuration object.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- Images defined via URL in customShapeTemplate exported as empty.
- The toolbox's groups are rendered empty if the "toolbox.groups" option is set via the option method.
- It is not possible to set the zoomLevel option value via two-way binding.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Form - The validation summary is not shown when Angular's input decorator is used in a form item's visible option.
- NumberBox - A custom format string works incorrectly when it contains the '-' symbol.
- SelectBox - Search does not work properly when selecting a character and deleting it using backspace.
- TextBox - The focused border color is not cleared.
- DevExtreme File Management
- DevExtreme FileUploader - Validation message is not displayed for invalid file types when a file is selected via drag and drop.
- DevExtreme Form
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- Resetting GroupItem.template option for a nested group throws the E1035 error.
- The validation summary is not shown when Angular's input decorator is used in a form item's visible option.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Moving a task with taskTemplate is possible only after a delay.
- The task progress is stretched out of its range after export to PDF if the progress exceeds 100%.
- An exported range isn't equal to a custom range defined by a user.
- The progress indicator is not displayed correctly when the value is greater than 100%.
- The task time is changed when a user moves this task over the Daylight Savings Threshold.
- Not all dependencies are exported to PDF in auto-format mode.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- An image does not keep a ratio when it is resized.
- The text inside `pre` is removed if the control is rendered in the invisible container with the `visibility: hidden` style.
- Toolbar's "B" button is not updated when pressing the Ctrl+B (Cmd+B) key combination.
- DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
- Button - Incorrect button style after changing the `disabled` property from true to false.
- TabPanel renders the content of two items in the same place.
- Toolbar doesn't disable items inside it.
- TreeView - The "Select All" section has too much space between a checkbox and text.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- dxRecurrenceEditor throws exception after entering a decimal value in textBoxes.
- A layout breaks after calling the triggerResizeEvent method when Scheduler is invisible.
- Appointments that end on Saturday or Sunday are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- Cells are not extended according to the component's width if their size is customized and the cellDuration option is defined.
- The drop-down button is shown for a single view when the adaptive mode is used.
- The number of change detection checks increases after multiple cell clicks when a template with a function is used.
- Scheduler throws the "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCurrentViewOption')" error after certain steps.
- DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
- The List component is not selected automatically when SelectBox is added to the component list during export of a new custom theme.
- DevExtreme Themes & Utils
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- The NavigateToRow method does nothing when virtual scrolling is used under certain circumstances.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- Chart - Aggregation has no effect if the data source has data for a single point.
- Chart - The format of an aggregated argument is not applied correctly in the tooltip.
- Chart throws an exception on loading.
- DataGrid - The "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'interactive')" error occurs when using a Chart inside a cellTemplate.
- RangeSelector - Chart series aggregation does not work with the bar type.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- Custom options are not applied to exportButton when it is located in the toolbar's overflow menu.
- Editors are unexpectedly rendered for lookup columns when lookup.dataSource consists of boolean values.
- Focus is removed from editors in the masterDetail section when the 'a' or 'f' key is pressed.
- Maximum call stack size error occurs when circular reference is set as a field and validation rule is applied in editing mode.
- Page size selector is too narrow in material themes.
- Row selection becomes incorrect after multiple filtration.
- Selection with shift+click doesn't select rows properly when the infinite scrolling mode is used.
- The columns are misaligned if group summaries, column width, columnAutoWidth, and width are used.
- The Export button has a transparent background.
- The table layout is broken in the Material theme when the height is specified.
- DataGrid displays gray rectangles several times when scrolling up if scrolling|renderAsync is true.
- DataGrid does not keep focus on the last cell when the page size is changed.
- DataGrid doesn't render DevExtreme components in DataRowTemplate if the ASP.NET template engine is used.
- DataGrid incorrectly selects a row with the Shift key when the virtual scrolling mode is enabled.
- DataGrid is not scrolled to a focused row after filtering when autoNavigateToFocusedRow is enabled.
- DataGrid sends two requests for two pages when a filter is applied in a certain scenario.
- DataGrid width becomes incorrect on an attempt to expand a detail row if an error row is visible in the first record.
- DataGrid/TreeList - Incorrect results are displayed for a lookup column when searching in the search panel.
- The value changing of checkbox using the keyboard doesn't correctly work in batch mode with a focused row enabled.
- TreeList - Navigation to the focused row does not work if stateStoring is enabled and multiple nodes are expanded.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- Images defined via URL in customShapeTemplate exported as empty.
- The toolbox's groups are rendered empty if the "toolbox.groups" option is set via the option method.
- The item's size property returns an incorrect value in the customShapeTemplate function after exporting and importing diagram data.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Button - It is not possible to specify the text option from onInitialized in v21.2.
- Form - The validation summary is not shown when Angular's input decorator is used in a form item's visible option.
- NumberBox - A custom format string works incorrectly when it contains the '-' symbol.
- SelectBox - Search results are not updated when searching on mobile devices.
- TagBox - Dropdown items are not refreshed after a search on Android devices.
- TagBox - It is not possible to set the cursor position using the mouse when text is typed.
- TextArea - Focus is not correctly working when the minHeight property is set.
- TextBox - The focused border color is not cleared.
- DevExtreme File Management
- DevExtreme FileUploader - Validation message is not displayed for invalid file types when a file is selected via drag and drop.
- DevExtreme Form
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- In some circumstances, browser hangs up when resizing if there is a DxForm with column adaptability.
- Resetting GroupItem.template option for a nested group throws the E1035 error.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Moving a task with taskTemplate is possible only after a delay.
- The task progress is stretched out of its range after export to PDF if the progress exceeds 100%.
- Not all dependencies are exported to PDF in auto-format mode.
- Column data is truncated in an exported document.
- The tree part is incorrectly exported if Gantt is scrolled before exporting.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- An image does not keep a ratio when it is resized.
- The onFocusOut event is fired when clicking on a mention item.
- The text inside `pre` is removed if the control is rendered in the invisible container with the `visibility: hidden` style.
- Toolbar's "B" button is not updated when pressing the Ctrl+B (Cmd+B) key combination.
- DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
- Button - Incorrect button style after changing the `disabled` property from true to false.
- ScrollView - Scroll position is reset to its initial position when the value of the scrollByContent option is changed.
- Toolbar - Button with the "danger" type has an incorrect text color when the Generic Dark theme is used.
- Toolbar doesn't disable items inside it.
- TreeView - The "Select All" section has too much space between a checkbox and text.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- An error occurs when deferRendering is set to false via the Popup's defaultOptions.
- Appointments are not modified correctly when extended to another week in workWeek view.
- Appointments that end on Saturday or Sunday are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'columnIndex') occurs during virtual scrolling in month view if groupByDate is enabled.
- Cells are not extended according to the component's width if their size is customized and the cellDuration option is defined.
- Disabled Date/Time Ranges demo does not show dates in month view.
- ResourceId gets transformed into Array and triggers change detection in Knockout.
- Scrollbars should be synchronized correctly when they are scrolled asynchronously.
- The "More" button is displayed in the cell overflow indicator tooltip.
- The `Cannot read properties of null` error appears when selecting an empty cell after clicking on an all-day appointment in Google Chrome.
- The drop-down button is shown for a single view when the adaptive mode is used.
- Scheduler throws the "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCurrentViewOption')" error after certain steps.
- DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
- The List component is not selected automatically when SelectBox is added to the component list during export of a new custom theme.
- DevExtreme Themes & Utils
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- DataGrid/TreeList - Incorrect results are displayed for a lookup column when searching in the search panel.
- The drop indicator doesn't appear when dragging a node for the 2nd time.
- The NavigateToRow method does nothing when virtual scrolling is used under certain circumstances.
- Two nodes are focused when focusedRowKey is set in a specific usage scenario.
- TreeList Drag&Drop demo - The onDragChange function throws the 'Cannot read properties of undefined' error when virtual scrolling is used.
- All React products
- TreeList - Two nodes are focused when focusedRowKey is set in a specific usage scenario.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- Chart - Aggregation has no effect if the data source has data for a single point.
- Chart - The format of an aggregated argument is not applied correctly in the tooltip.
- Chart - Tooltip content is duplicated when using contentRender.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- Custom options are not applied to exportButton when it is located in the toolbar's overflow menu.
- Focus is removed from editors in the masterDetail section when the 'a' or 'f' key is pressed.
- Maximum call stack size error occurs when circular reference is set as a field and validation rule is applied in editing mode.
- Page size selector is too narrow in material themes.
- Row selection becomes incorrect after multiple filtration.
- The Export button has a transparent background.
- DataGrid displays gray rectangles several times when scrolling up if scrolling|renderAsync is true.
- DataGrid does not keep focus on the last cell when the page size is changed.
- DataGrid sends two requests for two pages when a filter is applied in a certain scenario.
- DataGrid width becomes incorrect on an attempt to expand a detail row if an error row is visible in the first record.
- The value changing of checkbox using the keyboard doesn't correctly work in batch mode with a focused row enabled.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- Images defined via URL in customShapeTemplate exported as empty.
- The toolbox's groups are rendered empty if the "toolbox.groups" option is set via the option method.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Form - The validation summary is not shown when Angular's input decorator is used in a form item's visible option.
- NumberBox - A custom format string works incorrectly when it contains the '-' symbol.
- TagBox does not render tags on the initial render if fieldTemplate/fieldRender/fieldComponent is specified - React/Vue.
- TextBox - The focused border color is not cleared.
- DevExtreme File Management
- DevExtreme FileUploader - Validation message is not displayed for invalid file types when a file is selected via drag and drop.
- DevExtreme Form
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- Resetting GroupItem.template option for a nested group throws the E1035 error.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Moving a task with taskTemplate is possible only after a delay.
- The task progress is stretched out of its range after export to PDF if the progress exceeds 100%.
- Not all dependencies are exported to PDF in auto-format mode.
- The chart section is not resized automatically when the control is resized in the demo in fullscreen layout mode.
- The vertical scroll is visible even though there is insufficient space to make the chart area visible.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- An image does not keep a ratio when it is resized.
- The text inside `pre` is removed if the control is rendered in the invisible container with the `visibility: hidden` style.
- Toolbar's "B" button is not updated when pressing the Ctrl+B (Cmd+B) key combination.
- DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
- Button - Incorrect button style after changing the `disabled` property from true to false.
- Toolbar doesn't disable items inside it.
- TreeView - The "Select All" section has too much space between a checkbox and text.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- Appointments that end on Saturday or Sunday are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- Cells are not extended according to the component's width if their size is customized and the cellDuration option is defined.
- The drop-down button is shown for a single view when the adaptive mode is used.
- Scheduler throws the "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCurrentViewOption')" error after certain steps.
- DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
- The List component is not selected automatically when SelectBox is added to the component list during export of a new custom theme.
- DevExtreme Themes & Utils
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- The NavigateToRow method does nothing when virtual scrolling is used under certain circumstances.
- All Vue products
- DevExtreme Vue Components - The v-if statement removes a nested component from DOM when the production build is created.
- TreeList - Two nodes are focused when focusedRowKey is set in a specific usage scenario.
- DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
- Chart - Aggregation has no effect if the data source has data for a single point.
- Chart - The format of an aggregated argument is not applied correctly in the tooltip.
- DevExtreme DataGrid
- Custom options are not applied to exportButton when it is located in the toolbar's overflow menu.
- Focus is removed from editors in the masterDetail section when the 'a' or 'f' key is pressed.
- Maximum call stack size error occurs when circular reference is set as a field and validation rule is applied in editing mode.
- Page size selector is too narrow in material themes.
- Row selection becomes incorrect after multiple filtration.
- The Edit State Management demo does not work in CodeSandbox.
- The Export button has a transparent background.
- Two-way data binding in Vue is not working properly for a column's visible option when the column chooser is used to toggle column visibility.
- DataGrid displays gray rectangles several times when scrolling up if scrolling|renderAsync is true.
- DataGrid does not keep focus on the last cell when the page size is changed.
- DataGrid sends two requests for two pages when a filter is applied in a certain scenario.
- DataGrid width becomes incorrect on an attempt to expand a detail row if an error row is visible in the first record.
- The value changing of checkbox using the keyboard doesn't correctly work in batch mode with a focused row enabled.
- DevExtreme Diagram
- Images defined via URL in customShapeTemplate exported as empty.
- The toolbox's groups are rendered empty if the "toolbox.groups" option is set via the option method.
- The "dxPopover - 'elementAttr' option is deprecated in 21.2" warning is shown in a browser console.
- DevExtreme Editors & Validation
- Form - The validation summary is not shown when Angular's input decorator is used in a form item's visible option.
- NumberBox - A custom format string works incorrectly when it contains the '-' symbol.
- TagBox does not render tags on the initial render if fieldTemplate/fieldRender/fieldComponent is specified - React/Vue.
- TagBox triggers the onValueChanged and onSelectionChanged event handlers twice when it is used in a Form.
- TextBox - Floating label shifts the content of the component after a user types a value.
- TextBox - The focused border color is not cleared.
- DevExtreme File Management
- DevExtreme FileUploader - Validation message is not displayed for invalid file types when a file is selected via drag and drop.
- DevExtreme Form
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- In some circumstances, browser hangs up when resizing if there is a DxForm with column adaptability.
- Resetting GroupItem.template option for a nested group throws the E1035 error.
- DevExtreme Gantt
- Moving a task with taskTemplate is possible only after a delay.
- The task progress is stretched out of its range after export to PDF if the progress exceeds 100%.
- Not all dependencies are exported to PDF in auto-format mode.
- DevExtreme HtmlEditor
- An image does not keep a ratio when it is resized.
- The text inside `pre` is removed if the control is rendered in the invisible container with the `visibility: hidden` style.
- Toolbar's "B" button is not updated when pressing the Ctrl+B (Cmd+B) key combination.
- DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
- Button - Incorrect button style after changing the `disabled` property from true to false.
- Toolbar doesn't disable items inside it.
- TreeView - The "Select All" section has too much space between a checkbox and text.
- DevExtreme Scheduler
- Appointments that end on Saturday or Sunday are incorrectly displayed in the workWeek view with intervalCount more than 1.
- Cells are not extended according to the component's width if their size is customized and the cellDuration option is defined.
- The drop-down button is shown for a single view when the adaptive mode is used.
- Scheduler throws the "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCurrentViewOption')" error after certain steps.
- DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
- ThemeBuilder - The List component is not selected automatically when SelectBox is added to the component list during export of a new custom theme.
- DevExtreme Themes & Utils
- Editors - When a floating/static label of the outlined text editor is in the top position, it covers other elements on the page and goes beyond the Form in certain cases.
- DevExtreme TreeList
- The NavigateToRow method does nothing when virtual scrolling is used under certain circumstances.