Vue Editor
Adds 15 native UI controls for Vue as well as improvements across the Bootstrap and Material themes.
Kendo UI for Angular
- New components: Popover, Filter, FlatColorPicker, Barcode, QRCode.
- Native Angular 13 support.
- Theme improvements: New Theme options for the Button, DropDown, DateInput and Input components make building design languages easy.
- Data Grid demos: Live updating data demo, improved multicolumn header demo.
- General enhancement: Not mutating objects passed through component inputs.
- Gantt enhancements: In-cell editing, task editing dialog, task creation, selection, keyboard navigation, accessibility, dependencies editing.
- Chart enhancement: Pan/Zoom.
- Rich Text Editor enhancement: Gradient ColorPicker, editor resizing, image resizing, select all tool, print tool, table cells split and merge, paste event, apply commands to words.
- Scheduler enhancement: Create events from a date range.
- Scheduler documentation: How to show current time.
- Window enhancement: Enable RTL mode, custom CSS classes and attributes when opened from a service.
- Dialog enhancements: Enable RTL mode, custom CSS Classes and attributes when opened from a service.
- PanelBar enhancement: Updated design.
- ColorPicker enhancement: Updated design with FlatColorPicker in the popup.
- Switch documentation: Custom size and long labels.
- New components: FlatColorPicker, Drag & Drop utilities, ExpansionPanel, Popover, ScrollView (Carousel), Barcode, QR Code.
- Theme improvements: New Theme options of the Button, DropDown, DateInput and Input components make building design languages easy.
- Data Grid enhancements: Column virtualization with multi-column headers, new performance section in documentation.
- Editor enhancements: Expose interfaces for additional events, Editor resizing, image resizing using drag handles, improved selection.
- Scheduler enhancements: Auto item height & adaptive slot height.
- PivotGrid Enhancement: Ability to load local data.
- TileLayout enhancement: Define keys to avoid re-rendering.
- Form enhancement: Hooks compatibility.
- PanelBar enhancement: Controlled mode & tab mounted options.
- ColorPicker enhancement: New design.
- Buttons package enhancement: New sizing options.
- Inputs package enhancement: New sizing options.
- Popup enhancement: Performance improvements.
- Various components: Context provider for default props.
- New sample projects: Full-stack apps using the KendoReact Data Grid with an Microsoft ASP.NET Core backend and with a Node.js backend.
Kendo UI for Vue
- New native components: Filter, Toolbar, Menu, Gauge, Loader, Editor, Drawer, Stepper, DateRangePicker, Switch, TextArea, Tooltip, DropDownButton, SplitButton, ProgressBar.
- Theme improvements: New Theme options of the Buttons, DropDowns, DateInputs and Input packages make building design languages easy.
Kendo UI for jQuery
- New components: New PivotGrid, Avatar.
- Theme improvements: New Theme options of the Button, DropDown, DateInput and Input components make building design languages easy.
- Grid improvements: Improved multi-sort behavior, improved drag & drop, fit all column widths to content and support for non-string fields in the Grid’s search panel.
- PanelBar enhancements: Improved design.
- Drawer enhancement: Amazon-style drawer navigation.
- Editor improvements: Undo & Redo tools.
- All components: Improved accessibility and a large bug fixing effort.
- New sample application: Admin Dashboard.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 support.