Improves Web Editor, MailMerge and Spellchecking.
- Image can only be positioned in the left edge of header after the second call.
- MailMerge: If data is in UPPERCASE and field property format is set to "First capital", the merged field content is still in UPPERCASE.
- Cannot extract AcroForm fields when using Microsoft .NET Core 3.1.
- TX Words crash after enabling spelling and entering a space.
- EditableRegion is extended to the following text after using Undo.
Text Fields
- Unify character formatting within fields at the beginning of a new line, including display for users.
Text Filters
- DOCX import: Document causes 01-1D04 error.
- Images are not displayed in TX Text Control.
- Loading documents containing styles named "Heading" will change the style's name.
- A bulleted list with a list item formatted with bold text will not be displayed in Microsoft WordPad.
- FormFields exported from Text Control and re-saved in Microsoft Word disappear on loading back into TX Text Control.
- Legacy Fields: First value in DropDown-List FormFields is not selected and shown as field value.
Web Editor
- Copy and paste inside FormFields via the client-side clipboard does not work when the document is protected.
- The menus for "Select Master Table" and "Insert Merge Block" in the web editor cannot be scrolled.
- Wrong words are marked in the spell check dialog in the web editor.
- Web Editor / JS API: Error in Conditional Instructions dialog.
- Changing the FormattingPrinter does not update the font list on the formatting tab.
- Font and bullet character cannot be set through the JavaScript API.