Blazor DataGrid with lazy loading and Diagram component
Packed with new controls and features for Blazor, JavaScript, ASP.NET Core and more.
- Added new native Diagram component.
- Added new Tailwind CSS theme.
- DataGrid now has lazy loading with grouping.
- Added new Tailwind CSS theme.
- DatePicker and DateTime Picker now support masked editing.
- Form fields can now be added programmatically and through user interaction in the PDF Viewer.
- Added new Tailwind CSS theme.
- Form fields can now be added programmatically and through user interaction in the PDF Viewer.
- Rich Text Editor now has support for different ordered and unordered list styles.
- Added new Tailwind CSS theme.
- DatePicker and DateTime Picker now support masked editing.
- Form fields can now be added programmatically and through user interaction in the PDF Viewer.
- You can now use Polygon and cloud shape annotations in the PDF Viewer.
- Added step frequency support in Circular Gauges.
- You can now highlight suggested text in ComboBox.
- Added editing support in the DataGrid widget.
- Added drill-down support in the Treemap widget.
- PDF Viewer now has Apple macOS support.
- You can now add custom items to the context menu.
- You can now remove images from existing PDF documents.
- You can now redact PDF paths and shapes in a PDF document.
- Added 30+ new color palettes in Fluent, Material and Microsoft Office 2019 themes.
- Diagram’s stencil improvements allow symbol search, drag and drop and a context menu.
- You can now resize and collapse the ribbon bar based on a specific order.
- WinUI for desktop is now production-ready.
- Added new NumberBox control.
- Added vertical slider and range slider support.
- Added support for discrete value selection in Circular Gauges.
- You can now add multiple shapes to a single ShapeFileLayer in Maps.
- Added multi-column support in the Microsoft PowerPoint Library.