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DevExpress WinForms 20.2.6

DevExpress WinForms

Improves PDF Viewer, Spreadsheet and Treelist controls.


All WinForms products

  • An exported Microsoft Excel file is empty if the report service is used.
  • CriteriaToWhereClauseHelper - ParseException is thrown when a TimeSpan value is parsed via the GetDynamicLinqWhere method.
  • Data Source Wizard for .NET Core - An exception is thrown by the target of invocation (MySql).
  • Data Source Wizard for .NET Core - An exception is thrown by the target of invocation (Oracle).
  • Document Viewer - Report Controls are not anchored correctly when multi-column reports are used.
  • Export - A metafile with a custom line cap is exported as an image.
  • Expression Editor - Real field names are shown instead of display names.
  • Form size is incorrect when it is displayed on the 96 DPI screen in PerMonitorV2 mode if the form's MinimumSize is set.
  • GroupControl - The "<P ALIGN=CENTER>" tag doesn't work in upper case.
  • GroupHeaderBand - GroupFields with None sorting stopped working after upgrade to 20.1.8.
  • Hierarchy Print Options not working for data from a DataSet component's relation.
  • How to copy the same preconfigured data source across multiple reports instead of creating it from scratch.
  • InvalidCastExeption occurs in XRCrossTab on an attempt to use the Collection editor for Column Fields, Data Fields, or Row Fields.
  • LayoutView - An exception message says to use the LayoutView.OptionsBehavior.OverrideLayoutControlRestoreBehavior property that doesn't exists.
  • Localization - The "Format only changing values" rule cannot be localized.
  • Long numbers are truncated in XRBarCode.
  • The XRTablerCell.Rowspan property does not work correctly for complex tables.
  • ToolbarForm - A form is incorrectly drawn when an end user maximizes it on a non-primary monitor on Microsoft Windows 7.

Data Access Library

  • Expression Editor - A tooltip displays duplicate parentheses in a function's description.
  • Expression Editor - The description of the % operator is incorrect.
  • ExpressionEditorControl - An incorrect field value is missing in validation results if it is used in an expression three or more times.
  • SqlDataSource - "Invalid 3 part name format for TypeName" error occurs when trying to execute a stored procedure that has a "User Defined Table" data type parameter.

Installation (Microsoft .NET)

  • Installation cannot be completed if the fallback folder isn't empty.

MVVM Framework

  • An exception occurs when multiple properties in PocoViewModel have DependsOnPropertiesAttribute that references the same property.

PDF Viewer

  • Encryption - Document can not be loaded if the encryption method is V2 and the length of the encryption key is not specified.
  • Parsing - A page is rendered incorrectly if the inline image data contains an excess end image marker.
  • Parsing - Cannot read blend mode written as an array from a graphics state parameter dictionary.
  • Parsing - Page content cannot be parsed correctly if an encrypted document contains metadata in page resources.
  • Rendering - CCITT Fax Group 4 encoded images with a mixed coding scheme are not rendered in specific cases.
  • Rendering - The Type1 font with the invalid 'BlueShift' value cannot be rendered.
  • Text Search - Wrapped text is processed incorrectly in particular situations.
  • Usability - There is no API to hide comments on printing a document.
  • Usability - There is no public API to prohibit replies to comments.

XtraBars Suite

  • AccordionСontrol in FluentDesignForm always creates elements at design time.
  • BarEditItem incorrectly displays an editor in an MDI child form when ToolBarLocation is set to Default.
  • Dock panel text is ignored in a document's tab header when the MDI mode is used.
  • No event is raised when the TabbedView.Controller.Select method is called.
  • RadioGroup in BarEditItem - Items disappear on focusing if the ItemsLayout property set to Flow.
  • RibbonControl - BarSubItem Popup menu occupies the entire right pane of the ApplicationMenu.
  • RibbonControl - Reduce operations for large buttons do not work correctly.
  • RibbonControl - Stub Glyphs are not shown in the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Skin Editor - Cannot change text color of an inactive Dock Panel in the light dock panel style using the corresponding skin element.
  • TabbedView - A floating form is displayed in a taskbar twice when the ShowThumbnailsInTaskBar option is used.
  • TileBar - The top border of the selection rectangle is not visible when group text is hidden and groups are top-aligned.
  • TileControl - Dragging an item to the last position leads to unexpected results.
  • TileControl - Groups are not wrapped properly in adaptive mode.
  • ToastNotificationManager - The string.Empty argument is converted to null in ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs.
  • WorkspaceManager - An unhandled exception breaks the running application on applying a layout restored from a corrupted xml file via a component's dialogs.

XtraCharts Suite

  • An unhandled exception (InvalidCastException) is thrown on modifying the Legend alignment in Chart Designer.
  • An unhandled exception (System.OverflowException) occurs in the DevExpress.Charts.Native.AxisQualitativeMap.InternalToNative method during chart layout initialization.
  • Chart Control - Series Template with a colorizer and Colorizer.ShowInLegend set to False does not display the default series items in its legend.
  • Chart Designer - An error occurs (FilterCriteriaTypeConverter can not convert from empty String) after clearing the filter expression.
  • Chart Designer - It is impossible to remove a series template view colorizer.
  • ChartControl incorrectly renders Swiftplot series with a logarithmic scale and ScaleMode.Continuous in X-axis.
  • Common Charts Model - Individual point colors do not work for line series.
  • PointBasedSegmentColorizer uses colors from previous points with StepAreaSeriesView.
  • Range Bar Series is not rendered when points have identical start/end values.
  • Text elements are incorrectly scaled in XRChart controls in DPI-aware applications on screens with high scaling.
  • The Chart indicator's crosshair labels are not shown.
  • XRChart does not display Bars with zero values.


  • ArgumentException occurs if a diagram item's width or height is greater than 65,535 and the Pan And Zoom panel is shown.
  • ArgumentNullException occurs in certain cases after selecting multiple items in DiagramControl.
  • The routing strategy's behavior is changed in v20.2.4 if a connector is placed between two approximate items.

XtraEditors Library

  • PopupControlContainer doesn't offer options to hide its border.
  • Breadcrumb Behavior - NullReferenceException is thrown when the node collection is cleared using the Clear method.
  • CheckEdit - TextOptions.HotKeyPrefix is not taken into account.
  • GridView - The ButtonEdit.DoubleClick event is not raised when the focused row is changed.
  • GroupControl has an incorrect size when it is located in TableLayoutPanel and the TableLayoutPanel.AutoSize property is set to True.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown when a form is closed while a tooltip is being shown.
  • LabelControl incorrectly trims multiline text when the Trimming property is set to EllipsisPath.
  • ListBoxControl - Items are not unselected when a selected item is clicked and DragDropBehavior is used.
  • MemoEdit - Application crashes when using Advanced Mode and Windows 7.
  • MemoEdit - DivideByZeroException is thrown when the Text property is set in Advanced Mode with Spell Checker.
  • MemoEdit does not take the MaxLength property into account after erasing its value with Ctrl+Backspace.
  • MemoEdit does not take the MaxLength property into account when pasting values if the UseAdvancedTextEdit option is enabled.
  • MemoEdit in Advanced Mode - Scrolling by the ScrollToCaret method does not work when an editor is not focused.
  • PictureEdit - It's impossible to disable touch zoom.
  • PictureEdit - The PictureEditOpenFileError string in the German localization starts with a lowercase letter.
  • RepositoryItemDateEdit - The popup window does not respond to TodayDate property changes.
  • RepositoryItemDateEdit throws NullReferenceException when a value is set to a parent BarEditItem and UseAdvancedMode is enabled.
  • SpinEdit - FormatException is thrown when the D Numeric format is used and the editor is bound to an integer field.
  • SplashScreenManager - The Overlay Form disappears when it is displayed in the child form and this form is resized.
  • SvgImageBox - The element opacity is not changed when the background color is modified.
  • TablePanel auto height is not calculated properly on changing visibility of rows.
  • TablePanel incorrectly calculates the width of its columns if they contain SimpleButton with AutoSize set to true.
  • TextEdit - CharacterCasing is ignored when using a mask and the Advanced mode.
  • TextEdit - Editor reverts to a previous value on losing focus in AdvancedMode.
  • The old value is restored after a new value is entered when UseAdvancedTextEdit is enabled.
  • The popup size of the RepositoryItemLookUpEdit is reset to default once the popup is closed.
  • There is no way to use TokenEdit in FilteringUIContext when a large amount of data is used.
  • TokenEdit - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown if a token is removed when it's used with FilteringUiContext.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - A node is not selected on assigning a cloned object to the EditValue property.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - How to collapse all nodes.
  • UseAdvancedTextEdit randomly throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
  • WinForms - ArgumentNullException occurs when typing anything in a nullable enum drop-down.
  • XtraDialog - The size of buttons is calculated incorrectly if their AutoSize option is enabled.
  • XtraMessageBox - Hyperlinks do not take the applied Microsoft Visual Studio theme into account.
  • XtraTabControl - Tab header size is incorrect when the parent form is displayed on the 96 DPI screen in PerMonitorV2 mode.


  • Gantt Control doesn't offer an API to get Critical Path nodes.
  • CustomDrawTask doesn't offer methods to paint dependency connections.
  • Dependency connectors are incorrectly drawn on dragging a summary task that contains a task with finish-start dependency.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when the NewItemRowPosition property is set to Bottom.
  • It's impossible to access a custom dependency instance using the GanttTaskDependencyInfo class.
  • It's impossible to access the DateTime value of a clicked point in the chart.
  • NullReference exception is thrown on editing a task dependency when DataSet is used as DependencySource.
  • NullReference exception is thrown when loading dependencies before the control is loaded.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when divided task parts are merged.
  • OverflowException is thrown on scrolling the control with small scales.
  • Start of a partially visible task is set to an earlier date when this task is being dragged.
  • Tasks are calculated when they are dragged into the chart area for the first time.
  • The chart section becomes empty when the PanelVisibility property equals Chart and a task is collapsed via the Ctrl+LeftArrow keys combination.
  • The end date of a task is changed when its divided part is resized.
  • Updating tasks does not affect the Chart area even if INotifyPropertyChanged is implemented.

XtraGrid Suite

  • BandedGridView - Grid Columns are always shown in the Column Selector at design time.
  • ButtonEdit - The ButtonPress event is not raised when the mouse cursor is moved from the editor boundaries after the button click.
  • Expression-based grid format rules are not properly updated when a row property changes.
  • GridControl doesn't generate columns when its DataSource is set to an empty HashSet.
  • GridControl exports data with an additional percent sign from the display format to a CSV file.
  • GridView adds FontSizeDelta to a group row twice when EnableAppearanceHotTrackedRow is enabled.
  • GridView ignores GridColumn's FontSizeDelta when EnableAppearanceHotTrackedRow is enabled.
  • OnHandleException is thrown when the Filter Editor window is used to dispose of the detail view.
  • The context buttons are ignored when the TileView caption is shown.
  • The old value is restored after a new value is entered when UseAdvancedTextEdit is enabled.
  • WinExplorerView - The selection is reset when a skin is changed.
  • XtraGrid - The Find Panel becomes wider after text input on High DPI screens.
  • XtraGrid localization is not working for the conditional formatting option if the German localization is used.

XtraLayout Suite

  • DataLayoutControl - The SmartTag button is partially painted in the designer.
  • LayoutControl - Layout items are misaligned in the printed document when their captions include HTML tags and the OldPrinting option is enabled.
  • LayoutControl - Unable to undo the first modification in the customization form.
  • LayoutControl throws LayoutControlInternalException when adding a new item to a group that has a hidden item.
  • The LayoutControlItem image is not scaled when the Per-Monitor mode is used.
  • The NewHiddenItems collection does not store items that are shown in new groups.


  • Dashboard for WebForms - A map shape file (.shp) cannot be loaded via URL without an attribute file (.dbf).
  • Incorrect rectangular selection of vector map elements when the map is rotated at runtime.
  • Map Control does not display a custom popup menu in certain cases.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • InvalidCastException is thrown in Pivot Grid bound to OLAP when Conditional Formatting is used in certain cases.
  • Pivot Grid - NullReferenceException is thrown in OLAP when ShowOnlyAvailableItems is enabled and certain filters are applied.
  • PivotGrid - IncorrectAsyncOperationCallException is thrown on setting a data source.

XtraPrinting Library

  • An Excel application crashes on export to an Excel file when Excel's 'Text to Columns' functionality is used.
  • Document Viewer with Ribbon - The PrintingSystem.SetCommandVisibility method works inconsistently.


  • A hyperlink attached to a picture is lost on saving a document to the ODT format.
  • Background thread exception when loading documents into the RichText control.
  • Export to PDF - Incorrect spaces between letters of XRRichText.
  • Hyperlinks referring to local files are corrupted after saving and reloading an RTF document.
  • Import from DOCX - ArgumentOutOfRangeException on an attempt to load a specific document.
  • Import from RTF - NullReferenceException on an attempt to load a specific RTF document.
  • Localization - The "Font" and "Advanced" tab captions are not translated into German in the Font dialog in v20.2.
  • OverflowException is thrown on document scrolling if a document has a table with auto-calculated width and the SimpleView.ResizeTablesToFitContent option is turned on.
  • Printing - ArgumentException is thrown on an attempt to generate a print document when the UseGdiPlus property is enabled.
  • Theme fonts - RichEditControl renders list numbers with a default font instead of a theme font.
  • UI - It is not possible to customize the InsertMergeFieldForm form.
  • UI - Radio items' text doesn't match radio items' values in the "Delete Table Cells" form.
  • Usability - There is no API to access OLE Package properties.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • A copied appointment has the same id as the source appointment.
  • Application freezes when SchedulerControl uses the Black bonus skin and the DirectX mode is enabled.
  • Dragging or resizing appointments are slow in TimeLine view when using the Microsoft Office 2019 Colorful skin.
  • FontSizeDelta property is not in effect for a cell caption of YearView.
  • Interacting with appointments causes the memory overallocation issue.
  • Selected resources disappear in the PageSetupForm dialog when the control works in unbound mode.
  • The AppointmentDisplayOptions.StatusDisplayType property is not serialized in YearView.
  • The AppointmentHeight property of YearView is not serialized.
  • The FontSizeDelta property is not in effect for the header caption of TimelineView.
  • TimeZoneNotFoundException is thrown when the RDP connection is established from the Apple Mac operating system.
  • XtraSchedulerControl - Scheduler report templates are disabled.


  • Common Charts Model - Individual point colors do not work for line series.
  • It is impossible to get correct ranges using IWorkbook.DefinedNames.
  • It is impossible to use multi-selection when specifying ranges for formulas.
  • Low performance when pasting data in the TXT format from the Clipboard.
  • SpreadsheetControl does not exclude filtered out and hidden cells from the copied range.
  • System.NullReferenceException is thrown when a document with a merged cell is scrolled horizontally.
  • Usability - There is no API to define a summary function when a pivot data field is created.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • An application becomes unresponsive after running for several days.
  • GridView ignores GridColumn's FontSizeDelta when EnableAppearanceHotTrackedRow is enabled.
  • The old value is restored after a new value is entered when UseAdvancedTextEdit is enabled.
  • The total summary is not exported when data is filtered.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - A node is not selected on assigning a cloned object to the EditValue property.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - How to collapse all nodes.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • It's impossible to draw custom lines in VGridControl's Paint event handler when DirectX is enabled.
  • VGridControl - An in-place editor's drop-down is opened only on a second click.

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