Beta release of FlexMap visualization map control.
Adds a new RestCollectionView, Cell Templates for MultiRow, and Beta release of FlexMap map control.
Wimo 2021 v1 Webinar on March 23, 2021 at 1:30PM EDT.
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New in Wijmo 2021 v1
- [FlexGrid] Expand/Collapse multiple column groups with ctrl+click. This is consistent with expanding/collapsing multiple row groups with ctrl+click.
- [FlexGrid] Improved autoRowHeights property to account for the autoSizeMode property value when updating row heights.
- [FlexGrid] Improved scrolling performance with an improved cell reordering algorithm.
- [PivotField] Added a getAggregateValue property to support the creation of fields with custom aggregates based on other aggregates.
- [Calendar, InputDate] Added a rangeChanged event for convenience.
- [Globalize] FormatNumber no longer shows negative signs for negative numbers that look like zero (e.g. formatNumber(-0.4, 'n0') now returns '0' instead of '-0').
- [RESTCollectionView] Added a module with a RESTCollectionView abstract class designed to help implement custom REST-based CollectionView classes.
- [FlexMap] Introduced a new charting control FlexMap specially designed for the visualization of geospatial data. The new control is included in the new module.
- [FlexChart] Added color schemes from ColorBrewer (
- [MultiRow] The content of the layoutDefinition property can now be defined using a collection of the MultiRowCellGroup objects, which in turn include collections of the MultiRowCell objects. The old way to define layoutDefinition using a POJO array is supported as well.
- [MultiRow/Interops] Added support for cell templates in Angular, React, and Vue frameworks, similar to cell templates in FlexGrid. A new Grid/MultiRow/CellTemplates sample is added to demonstrate the feature.