DevExpress VCL Subscription
Improves Bars, Layout and Printing controls.
ExpressBars Suite
- Ribbon Form - Microsoft Office 2019 style - A form does not repaint its caption and the tab area before displaying a modal dialog that is invoked on the Backstage View's closure.
- TcxBarEditItem - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when changing the DPI value while the in-place editor is focused.
ExpressEditors Library
- Alert windows - Button hints are not displayed if an application's main window is inactive.
- TcxButton - The OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeaver events cease to occur after the Parent property value changes while the mouse pointer hovers over the button.
- TdxCustomGalleryControl descendants - The "Invalid typecast" error occurs on creating a control's handle after removing a gallery item when this control still has no handle.
ExpressLayout Control
- TdxForm and TdxCustomForm descendants - An embedded form whose WindowState property is set to wsMaximized becomes invisible when the parent window's DPI changes in the application that is built with Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 or newer.
- TdxForm and TdxCustomForm descendants - A form embedded into a scaled form is scaled twice in an application built with Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney.
- TdxForm and TdxCustomForm descendants - An embedded form whose WindowState property is set to wsMaximized becomes invisible when the parent window's DPI changes in the application that is built with RAD Studio 10.3 or newer.
- A document import routine hangs on reading an embedded Type1 font's program in certain cases.
- Bookmark activation does nothing if a bookmark's GoTo PDF action does not include coordinates on the target page.
ExpressPrinting System
- TcxCustomTextEdit descendants ignore the Properties.EchoMode and Properties.PasswordChar property values when printing editor content.
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- Filter item expressions remain editable and the grid View's Filtering.ExpressionEditing property returns True after the DataController.Filter.AutoDataSetFilter property is set to True.
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- TcxDBTreeList - The focused node's Values property returns Null values when accessing this node in the OnFocusedNodeChanged event handler that fires on opening the bound datasetAccess Violation in 20.1.6.
ExpressSkins Library
- Form - A skinned form displaces its shadow if the form contains TMainMenu.
- Office2019Black and Office2019White skins - Bar items overlap the bottom line, which delimits the bar area.
- A formula expression returns the #VALUE! error if it includes a reference with an unary plus operator.
- A spreadsheet does not set a cell style's WordWrap property to True when the cell is assigned multi-line text and does not arrange the text into one line when the property is set to False.
- The TdxSpreadSheetFormulaResult.ExtractDateTimeParameter method ignores date/time parameters after the first parameter in a function call.
- XLSX Import - A document import routine incorrectly reads an HTML character sequence (&#<code>;) encoded with UTF-8.