Aspose.Cells for .NET
Adds support for rendering Histograms in Microsoft Excel 2016 charts.
- Set Pdf Page size when using the Chart.ToPdf method.
- Added support for rendering Histograms in Microsoft Excel 2016 charts.
- Added FilterMode property.
- Added support for additional cell modification in cellModifiedOnAjax.
- Process standard LINK elements during backward conversion.
- Excel to PDF rendering - header/footer problem.
- When auto-fit a column, Aspose.Cells do not consider the row height when the cell is text wrapped.
- Issue with auto-fit columns operation with wrapping text on.
- Text reversed for different sheets in output PDF.
- Incorrect formatting when saving XLSX as HTML.
- Missing values in chart.
- Cannot remove PivotTables (whose data source is external) from XLS file format.
- Excel file becomes corrupt after refreshing PivotTable.
- Refreshing Pivot Table in "Sample2.xlsx" generates corrupt Excel file.
- Wrong evaluation of DateTime values when calculating DateTime functions.
- Margins are still there when set to zero and OnePagePerSheet is set to true.
- PDF output varies regarding the optimization type.
- "Input string was not in a correct format" when calculating chart in the template file.
- Issues with custom data filtering.
- During save OriginalDataSource with slash changed to backslash.
- Images and diagrams are missing when saving OTS file.
- ListFillRange in ActiveX ComboBox not updating.
- Page header rows are displayed only on the first page in output PDF.
- Workbook.CalculateFormula changed "#REF!" to "#NAME?".
- The column is missing in GridWeb output after binding a custom class.
- Data validation always fails in Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.
- Cell value is not correct when importing an Excel file into Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.
- Shapes position is not correct in Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.
- After inserting row or column, worksheet becomes empty with one row/column in count.
- Values and controls are lost when cells are edited.
- Scrolling to the bottom row and clicking the group button does not collapse the rows.
- Controls (options buttons and scrollbars) are not rendered when importing an Excel file.
- Invalid string in the file - exception occurs on opening the XLS file.
- Exception "Input string was not in a correct format" on opening an XLSX file.
- Opening particular XLS file causes ArgumentOutOfRangeException.