Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET MVC
Adds Amazon S3 MVC file provider support in File Manager control.
- Smart labels for Pie and Doughnut - This feature allows users to place data labels smartly without overlapping one another.
Circular Gauge
- Gradient color - The gauge now supports two gradient color options, linear and radial, that can be applied to gauge elements such as ranges and pointers.
- Template support for user handle - This feature allows users to add HTML elements to the user handle content, such as buttons and drop-downs, along with existing path and image-type user handles.
Word Library
- SEQ fields - Word Library now allows updating SEQ (sequence) fields in a Microsoft Word document.
- Track changes enhancements - Word Library now provides the following features in tracked changes preservation:
- Move-to and move-from revisions are preserved in Microsoft Word documents (DOCX and WordML).
- Move-to and move-from revisions can be accepted and rejected.
- Style and section property tracked changes are preserved in Microsoft Word documents.
- All tracked revisions in a Microsoft Word document can be accessed through an API.
- FirstColumn and LastColumn in bookmarks - Word Library now provides FirstColumn and LastColumn APIs to define the column range for bookmarks inside tables in Microsoft Word documents.
- Mathematical equations in Microsoft Word-to-PDF conversion - Word Library now preserves mathematical equations (MathML) when converting Microsoft Word documents (DOCX and WordML) to PDF.
Word Processor
- Form fields - This feature allows users to design forms using legacy form fields (text, check box, and drop down) in a Microsoft Word document and also fill the forms.
- Update cross-reference fields - Allows users to update a cross-reference field that links to a bookmark in the Microsoft Word document.
- Track changes - Allows users to view the changes made to a Microsoft Word document by several reviewers and accept or reject the changes.
- Comment enhancements
- To customize the color of comments.
- To restrict a reviewer from deleting the comments made by other reviewers.
File Manager
- Amazon S3 MVC file provider - The Amazon S3 MVC file provider allows the File Manager component to manage the files and folders in a collection of objects stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. It provides methods for performing various actions like creating, copying, moving, deleting, uploading, and downloading files and folders.
- Access control support in SQL database file provider - Allows users to restrict access to files and folders by defining a set of rules. Only authorized users will be able to read, write, delete, and edit the files and folders.
Gantt Chart
- Indent and outdent - This feature allows users to perform indenting and outdenting on hierarchical levels of tasks.
- Read-only - Read-only provides support for enabling and disabling the Gantt editing operations.
- Resource view advanced features
- Multi taskbar support: Visualize multiple tasks assigned to each resource in a row when the records are in the collapsed state.
- Overallocation: Overallocation indicates when a resource is assigned two or more tasks that occur in the same date range.
- Predecessor: Task relationships can be established between tasks in the Resource view.
- Autofill with frozen rows and columns - This feature allows users to drag the autofill icon across frozen and movable parts of the DataGrid and update the selected cell values in the DataGrid content.
- Filter operator selector in filterbar - This feature allows users to set the filter operator for a particular column using the dropdown present in the filter bar. Filtering is performed based on the selected operator.
- Frozen rows and columns with infinite scrolling - Frozen DataGrid has infinite scrolling support. By this, the buffered data will be loaded only when the scrollbar reaches the end of the scroller in a frozen grid.
Kanban (Preview)
- Sorting Cards - Sort cards in ascending or descending order based on index, data source order, and custom fields such as priority, rank, and assignee.
- Customize Dialog - Customize the dialog while editing a card, such as adjusting its width, height, position, and modal.
Linear Gauge
- Gradient color - The gauge now supports two gradient color options, linear and radial, that can be applied to gauge elements such as ranges and pointers.
PDF Library
- Redact annotation - Mark the words or areas to be redacted with the Redact Annotation.
- Cloud style annotation - Create a shape annotation with the cloud style.
PDF Viewer
- Ink annotation - Draw freehand on PDF files. You can move, resize, remove, or edit the appearance of the freehand drawings.
Pivot Table
- CSV data source support - In addition to JSON, the pivot table now supports CSV data source, as well. CSV data can be transferred from a local file or web service or from an online downloadable link.
- Accumulation chart types - The pivot chart in the Pivot Table now has these chart types: pie, doughnut, pyramid, and funnel.
PowerPoint Library
- Extract OLE object - PowerPoint Library now allows extracting embedded OLE objects from a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
- Active Progress Bar - This feature allows user to indicate the active state of the progress.
- Striped Progress Bar - Progress bar can be striped now and also animated.
- Label placement - Progress bar labels can now be placed at the center and far ends of the track.
- Progress segment - This feature allows users to segment the progress of a task.
- Inline Editing - The feature enables user to Edit an appointment’s title or create an appointment easily through a single click on the cells or on the existing appointment’s subject.
- Year View - Utilize a horizontal year view in Schedule that exposes the annual view of the calendar. This will help users who navigate between years and months frequently.
- Enhancement of Timeline Year View - The existing timeline year view now has added support to configure multiple resources and enable row auto-height for adding more appointments.
- Conditional formatting - This feature allows you to format a cell or range of cells based on the conditions applied.
- Clear - Clear the content, formats, and hyperlinks applied to a cell or range of cells in a spreadsheet.
- Aggregates - Quickly check the sum, average, and count for the selected cells or range in the sheet tab.
- Column chooser - This feature allows users to hide or show the columns dynamically in a TreeGrid.
- Expand and collapse support in exported Microsoft Excel file - This feature provides an option for the user to expand or collapse the child rows in exported Microsoft Excel file of a TreeGrid.
Excel Library
- Import HTML tables into Microsoft Excel worksheet - Essential XlsIO supports importing HTML tables into Microsoft Excel worksheets. The ImportHtmlTable method loads an HTML file with the following features:
- Export Microsoft Excel data to JSON files - Essential XlsIO supports converting Microsoft Excel data to JSON files by simply saving the workbook using the SaveAsJson method.
- Export Microsoft Excel notes to PDF - Essential XlsIO provides support to export Microsoft Excel notes to a PDF document that will be displayed similar to the worksheet cells or at the end of the worksheet.