Adds support for new Content Controls including RichText and DropdownList.
New Types of Content Controls
- RichText
- Text
- Picture
- ComboBox
- DropdownList
- BuildingBlockGallery
- BuildingBlock
- Date
- Group
- CheckBox
- Equation
- Bibliography
- Citation
- RepeatingSection
- RepeatingSectionItem
- ExternalContentEntityPicker
Support Custom XML Parts and XML Mapping
- Custom XML parts are used in Word documents to store XML data. Content controls can be bound with these XML parts to generate forms and template documents. A good part of this binding occurs when a user edits the text in the UI of the Microsoft Word document and the corresponding XML element is automatically updated. Similarly, if element values in the custom XML parts are changed, the bound content controls to the XML elements display the new data.
Support for Adding Glossary Documents
- You may have certain content that you do not want to appear in the Microsoft Word document, but still want to keep it as part of the document for future insertion as per user action. A Glossary document is a supplementary document storage that stores the definition and content for such content.