Export spreadsheets with shapes to PDF.
- Export spreadsheets with shapes to PDF: Insert arrows, lines, pictures, general shapes and Microsoft Excel in-built shapes.
- Control pagination and spreadsheet content export to PDF: Control printing specific Excel portions to PDF documents:
- Render Excel ranges Inside a PDF
- Print specific pages of Excel to PDF
- Group customized data range while exporting to PDF
- Print multiple worksheets to one page in PDF
- Manage headers on different pages
- Export different Excel workbooks into one PDF: Export or save different Excel workbooks into a single PDF file with the PrintManagerclass.
- Repeat rows at bottom and columns at right in PDF: Repeat designated information on every page while printing.
- Export formatted pivot tables, style, and field number Format: Distinguish information separately.
- Customize row/column/value Delimited (.csv files): Supports importing and exporting .csv files with any row/cell/column delimiters.
- Support for paste options: Includes various PasteType options with multiple copy/paste content scenarios.
- Control adjusting page breaks: Control whether to adjust page breaks on row/column insertion/deletion using FixedPageBreaks.
- Copy and Move Worksheet: GcExcel API will help to copy and move worksheets programmatically.
- Cut and copy range between workbooks: Easy to cut./copy selective data in any range and re-use in other workbooks.
- Find and replace text: Increased options to perform Find, Replace, Search and Replace options.
- Support for formula/array R1C1 in cell range: Reference R1C1 style formulas for any cell range.
- Support shrink to fit for wrapped text: Shrink text within a cell even when the text is wrapped when exporting to PDF.
- Support more import flags for XlsxOpenOptions: Support importing maximum features while reading spreadsheets:
- Table
- MergeArea
- Style
- ConditionalFormatting
- DataValidation
- PivotTable
- Shapes
- Support auto fit/row height/column width API: Automatically determines column width “AutoFit()’ method.
- Preserve OLEObjects: Load, modify and save Excel spreadsheets with OLEOObjects.
- Preserve Japanese Ruby Characters.